Shabana FC Fans Plead for a Retro Retreat to NSL, Tired of Premier League Boredom


In a shocking twist of events, Shabana Football Club fans are clamoring for a ticket back to the National Super League (NSL), deeming the current Kenya Premier League as nothing short of a snoozefest. Frustration has reached a boiling point as the team finds itself perilously perched just above the relegation abyss.

The outcry from Shabana’s faithful follows a stern call to action from the club’s patron, Sam Nyamweya, who had summoned an emergency crisis meeting to address the team’s abysmal performance. With only 18 points to their name, the Kisii-based outfit sits uncomfortably second from the bottom in the Premier League standings.

Fans, fed up with what they describe as the league’s lackluster organization and allegations of manipulation by officials, are openly expressing their desire to bid adieu to the Premier League and embrace the grassroots charm of the NSL, where the team once thrived.

In a not-so-subtle ultimatum to the management, various fan support branches have rattled their sabers, emphasizing that the current state of affairs is an unequivocal failure on the part of the club’s leadership.

Shabana, boasting one of the country’s largest football fan bases, has unexpectedly become the epicenter of frustration, threatening to turn their backs on the top-tier monotony and rediscover the thrill of NSL adventures.

The question now lingers: will Shabana FC take the retro route and trade their Premier League woes for NSL nostalgia? Only time will unveil the unfolding drama in this unexpected football saga.

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