I will only participate in a process that is aligned to the laws of the land – Sammy Owino Kempes


In a resolute stand for democratic principles, Sammy Owino Kempes has declared his refusal to participate in unlawful elections. Emphasizing a commitment to ethical conduct and the sanctity of the democratic process, Kempes prioritizes the rule of law and transparent governance.

By taking this principled stance, Sammy Kempes aims to assuring delegates of his dedication to upholding the integrity of elections, fostering a sense of trust in the democratic system.

This declaration underscores his unwavering commitment to fair and lawful electoral practices, appealing to voters who prioritize accountability and ethical leadership in their representatives. Below, is Sammy Owino Kempes Statement.

Early this month, the Football Kenya Federation National Executive Committee held a meeting in Nairobi and passed resolutions which according to them will shape Kenyan football in 2024.

One of the resolutions was to kickstart the process of the FKF elections 2024 and resolved that the said elections will be conducted using the FKF Electoral Code (2020) which was used in the last FKF elections.

According to the NEC this will provide consistency and transparency in the electoral process.

The NEC also resolved that the Annual General Meeting, which will ratify the FKF Electoral Board and Electoral Code (2020), be held on March 16, 2024, in Nairobi.

Granted, it is the constitutional mandate of the NEC to set a date for the AGM which comes up with the date for elections. But that said, we must ask ourselves if FKF as currently constituted is legally mandated to set the process for the elections.

FKF has violated its very own constitution over the past three years by failing to hold NEC meetings and AGM and their resolutions by NEC does not exonerate them.

It is astonishing that these very people who have repeatedly violated their own rules and constitution have the audacity to point to clauses that favor them and claim they follow rules and are law abiding.

A notable point of non-compliance is the federation’s failure to review its constitution in line with the Kenyan Constitution 2010 since receiving the Conditional Registration Certificate in May 2018.

It therefore means that the even if the federation holds its elections, the new office bearers will find themselves at loggerheads with the government once again as has happened in the past.

When The Registrar of Sports, Rose Wasike, and Sports CS, Ababu Namwamba demanded that the FKF elections needed to align itself to the Sports Act as required by law, FKF in its usual tactics warning the government not to interfere with football or face the wrath of FIFA.

The reality of the matter is in 2013 the new national constitution came into force in Kenya that saw the end of the Provincial system and the introduction of the County system. Many administrative structures were thus changed to reflect this new dispensation.

In the General Assembly of the Football Kenya Federation of 2015 Members resolved to review the Football Kenya Federation constitution to reflect this new dispensation and also align any other wanting clauses in the constitution to meet the changed needs in administering the game of football in Kenya in line with CAF and FIFA requirements.

The FKF constitution is subordinate to the Kenya constitution. Registrar Rose Wasike and CS Ababu Namwamba will be abrogating their responsibilities if they fail to ensure FKF elections are aligned to the Kenya Constitution. Where there is conflict, Kenya Constitution takes precedence unless the law is broken.

I applaud CS Ababu and Registrar Rose Wasike for standing for the rule of law, something the current FKF office holders do not comprehend. While I look forward to the elections,

I will only participate in a process that is aligned to the laws of the land. If elected and given the opportunity to serve, we will always follow the law. We acknowledge the current office holders but do not appreciate their lack of respect for the law.

We recognize that FKF is the national organ responsible for running football in this country but demand that they are inclusive of everybody when it comes to elections. For us, there is no FKF or CFA. There is just Kenya football. We need to ensure that freedom to participate is a right enjoyed by all clubs.

Rules that unreasonably exclude clubs should be done with. CFA’s should be allowed to vote as well. We need to unite everybody so we can move as one and build football in this country.

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