FKF NEC Member Halted AGM, Nyakundi Unveils Perspectives on Kenya Football


In a recent open letter addressed to FIFA, sports journalist Milton Nyakundi has shed light on the current tumultuous state of Kenyan football. With a focus on the halted Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the legal entanglements surrounding Football Kenya Federation (FKF), Nyakundi provides a comprehensive overview of the situation, highlighting pertinent points from his ongoing engagement with the matter.

Nyakundi begins by underscoring the expiration of Nick Mwendwa’s term as FKF President, emphasizing the absence of any concrete plans for elections to be held in the foreseeable future. This vacuum in leadership has plunged Kenyan football into a state of uncertainty, awaiting FIFA’s intervention to chart a way forward.Central to Nyakundi’s narrative is his role as an Applicant in various legal proceedings, notably SDT/SC/E006/2021, which determined the invalidity of Mwendwa’s administration.

He clarifies that the recent injunction preventing the AGM was initiated by Gabriel Mghendi, an NEC Member, allegedly at Mwendwa’s behest. Nyakundi contends that it is ironic for those implicated in legal disputes to decry judicial interference, especially when their actions have instigated such interventions. Drawing attention to FIFA regulations, Nyakundi highlights the prohibition against resorting to ordinary courts for dispute resolution, unless explicitly sanctioned.

He argues that the failure to adhere to both FIFA statutes and Kenyan laws has compromised the integrity of FKF’s leadership, warranting potential sanctions from FIFA. Nyakundi proposes the appointment of a Normalisation Committee as a viable solution to navigate the current impasse.

He asserts that the indicted officials have forfeited their legitimacy due to their misconduct and inability to uphold regulatory frameworks mandated by FIFA and Kenyan legislation. The journalist outlines three key reasons supporting his call for a Normalisation Committee:

  1. The expiration of indicted officials’ terms prior to the establishment of an Electoral Code and Elections Board, as required by FIFA statutes. The absence of requisite institutional and regulatory frameworks for conducting elections, necessitating a committee to oversee a transparent and lawful electoral process. The officials’ flagrant disregard for FIFA statutes and Kenyan laws, indicative of gross misconduct and a lack of capacity to govern the federation effectively.

Nyakundi’s letter encapsulates the complex web of legal and administrative challenges plaguing Kenyan football, urging FIFA to intervene decisively to restore stability and ensure adherence to regulatory standards. As stakeholders await FIFA’s response, the fate of Kenyan football hangs in the balance, with the potential appointment of a Normalisation Committee emerging as a beacon of hope amidst the current turmoil.

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